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Own Your Style

Janine really puts the Personal in Style. Being a busy mum, wife and businesswoman, she knows all about the ups and downs of juggling family life with a career. As a professionally qualified Style Coach™ and Personal Stylist, Janine works with people who feel overwhelmed or don't enjoy shopping for their wardrobe like they used to. She offers a range of services, events and workshops to empower women of all ages and sizes to shop with confidence and transform their style.




Exclusively Mulberry Facebook Group

Founded by Louise in 2015, Exclusively Mulberry is a friendly group for those who are passionate about Mulberry to buy, sell or swap authentic pre-loved items and to discuss this iconic British brand.

Exclusively Designer Facebook Group

EM's sister page for all other designer brands.

Exclusively Style Facebook Group

Founded by Louise and Janine (Own Your Style) in 2019, Exclusively Style is a friendly place for women to share their passion for fashion. Discuss the latest trends, ask like-minded ladies for advice/opinions and share your OOTD posts.